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Enhance the use of the system with details of our modules and functionalities


The Reports menu will list the reports that are currently available to the user. PrintWayy allows you to run three different reports from this menu: Prints and copies per printer With the Prints and copies per...

Closed Calls

Closed calls are the calls that were already finished and had the stock movement and billing confirmed by the responsible users. Therefore, to change a call to Closed status in PrintWayy, the following is required: The call must have the status of Closed...

Active Calls

This screen provides a summary of the progress of the technical calls that are registered in PrintWayy, and also allows new calls to be opened and deleted. On the calls screen you can group and sort the items, and also indicate that...

Unattended Calls

Viewing the details of Calls with no Assigned Responsibility When a new call is created by a Client type user, it will automatically appear in the "No Responsible" sub menu and will remain there until a Collaborator type user accesses the assigned responsibilities.


Using the Calls module it is possible to create and manage all the technical support your company provides to customers, relating SLA, sending items, opening calls through alerts, services, and much more. Calls with no assignee Active Calls...

Stock Receipts

In the Stock receipts submenu, you can manage the receipt of products into your company's stock. You can add, change, and remove entries. The results of this management will be noticed in your company's stock by accessing the Stock submenu ....


The Stock submenu has a division between: All Items, Your Company's Stock, Stock by Technician, and Stock by Customer. All Items Tab The All Items view lists all of the products that are registered for your company's inventory, regardless of the company's...

Usage indicators

The Usage Indicators screen was created in order to display in PrintWayy the average yield of each stock item. This average yield is calculated through the exchanges that have already been confirmed and which were possible to determine the amount of...