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Enhance the use of the system with details of our modules and functionalities

Active alerts

Active alerts are alerts that have been created and have not yet been dealt with. On this screen it is possible to perform a series of groupings and filters that make the visualization of alerts more peaceful. In the alerts panel we have the option to display all alerts in the same...


Alerts are notifications created by equipment or Printwayy itself, and are handled by the provider. These alerts are intended to assist in the management of the entire print fleet, either by indicating the existence of a problem in a particular printer...

Report Settings

Changing the closing report title for export and printing You can change the closing report title in the settings menu, sub-menu your company information, in the report settings tab. Changing the title will impact...

Viewing the closing report

To view the monthly closings of all customers who have a contract it is necessary to go to the Financial menu and access the submenu Closings. Understanding your closing situation Today, in our Sub-menu of Closings, it is possible to follow in real time the...

Cost types

In this article we will give more details about the types of costs that exist in PrintWayy. Remember that the costs are created and linked to the contracts of each client and printer. To see in detail how to do this process click here. Cost per Page | CPP With this...

Registering your first contract

Adding a contract The first step is to go to the Financial menu and click on "Contracts". Once this is done the following options will appear: Since we want to register a new one, just click on the "Add Contract" option. To edit a previously added contract...


PrintWayy gives you simple and automatic financial control over the page output of your printers. With a few settings at first, you can safely define how and how much you should receive from your customers...

New Printers

The New Printers submenu came up with the possibility to choose which printer the user will monitor through a PrintWayy connection that has a PrintWayy Client Server installed. You can see a number next to the name of the submenu. This ...

Printers by Customer

To view detailed information about the printers that are monitored on a specific client you need to choose a client: Viewing Printer Details There are two ways to open the printer details: by selecting it and clicking View...