Pending Exchanges

The Pending Exchanges page shows all monitored supplies in the system that have an addition or suggested exchange pending. These situations occur when:

  • PrintWayy automatically detects that a supply has possibly been changed based on a change in its maximum capacity, level or serial number;
  • A customer user manually indicates that he or she has made a procurement exchange. In this case, the customer user is using a supply that must be previously registered in your inventory, and confirmation that this exchange has actually taken place and is valid is the responsibility of a user in your company. This situation also occurs when the exchange is pointed out manually by a user in your company who does not have access permission to the stock module;
  • A customer user adds a new stock item to the printer. As with the exchange, this item must be previously registered in the customer's inventory for him to be able to make the addition.

Confirming a pending exchange

For cases where the exchange was pointed out by a user, or also for cases of manual addition of new items, simply check the data and confirm or delete the exchange/add.

Observation Field

Each pending confirmation has a field to enter a remark. This note is not mandatory and if entered, will be displayed in the printer's supplies and parts timeline, along with the data of the confirmed exchange.

Usage averages

Each confirmed exchange is used to calculate the average usage of that supply in the printer. When confirming a change, you can indicate that the item should not be considered in this calculation, using the options in the Include in average calculations field. To learn more about supply usage estimates and averages, and also about the option to disregard an exchange in the calculation of averages, go to the supplies estimates page.

Open appraisals being deleted

Pending evaluations can still be excluded, and when performing the act of exclusion a field will appear to inform the reason for the exclusion. This information will be available for verification in the users' Action History and also in Excluded Exchanges.

To return to the Procurement Menu click here.

To go to Upcoming Exchanges click here.

To go to Confirmed Exchanges click here.

To go to Excluded Exchanges click here.

To go to Usage Indicators click here.

To go to Inventory and Stock Entries click here.

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