Premature Exchanges

The control of premature changes in your day-to-day operation

PrintWayy's premature changeover management aims to help control situations where a low-load supply is replaced in a printer with significant production capacity, generating waste.
For this, PrintWayy provides a friendly and complete interface for managing premature
Premature Changes, showing in a very clear way which supplies, from which customers, were changed prematurely and, consecutively, generating waste.

Using the Premature Exchange Control

Defining your company's premature exchange parameters

To start this control, it is necessary to define when a supply exchange will be considered a premature exchange, to do this, in the menu go to: Settings > Supplies e stock > Exchanges Premature.
Set the parameters as shown in the image below:
Important: Only the items selected in the Exchange Control settings tab will be available for selection in the Premature Exchange settings tab.

Managing Premature Exchanges

To check which supplies have been replaced with payload, in the menu go to: Supplies > Exchanges > Exchanges premature.

On this screen, you can select three different display filters; Supplies changed prematurely in the last 30, 60 and 90 days.

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