Call Settings


Services will be used in technical calls, to indicate which services were provided in the service. These services must have a name and a value can also be indicated. To add a new service, click Add Service. The screen below will appear:

To edit a service, select it and click Change Service. To remove, select the service and click Remove Service. You can only remove services that are not linked to calls.

Call Types

Call types are used to classify technical calls according to your company's way of working. You can also set whether a particular Call type will be visible to Customers opening calls using that type. To add a new call type, click Add Call Type. The screen below will appear:

To edit a call type, select it and click Change Call Type. To remove, select the call type and click Remove Call Type. You can only remove call types that are not linked to calls.

Number of blank lines in the call printout

The number of lines set in these fields will be used when checking the "Display additional blank lines in call items" option when requesting to print a call. The setting made will be displayed by default on the call printout. Set the number of lines for each item, and then click Save.


To return to the Settings menu click here.