Alerts are notifications created by equipment or Printwayy itself and are handled by the provider. These alerts are intended to assist in the management of the entire print fleet, either indicating the existence of a problem in a particular device or indicating that the monitoring of some equipment has stopped.
In the Alerts menu you can follow the monitoring of these alerts so that the necessary actions can be taken. The alerts are divided into Active, Associated with open calls, Ignored, and Closed.
Active alerts
This screen displays the alerts that are still active and need an action from the provider for resolution. The features below are available as defaults for this screen:
- Filter by Client, criticality, type and origin
- Client selector (allows you to view alerts for all clients, or for a specific client)
- Hide inactive alerts" button (when pressed, alerts that no longer occur are hidden from the screen)
The active alerts are divided into five tabs:
- All Alerts: Groups all active alerts, enabling classification and filters according to the user's needs. This tab has the option "Show only communication failure alerts", which automatically filters the alerts that have this status, and are usually the highest priority in a print outsourcing environment:
- Alerts by clients: Automatically groups alerts by customer.
- Alerts by level of criticality: Automatically groups alerts by level of criticality.
- Alert type: Automatically groups alerts by type.
- Alert Source: Automatically groups alerts by source.
Alerts associated with open calls
When an alert is opened in PrintWayy by a printer, the provider has the option to open a technical call to resolve the issue.
If the provider opens a call and associates the alert with that call, the alert appears in the Alerts menu associated with open calls.
The alerts listed in this menu are still active, and you can view the details of the alert by selecting it and clicking View Details.
Alerts ignored
The ignored alerts page displays all alerts that were automatically created by equipment and have already been ignored by some user in the system.
By double-clicking on a record or selecting it and clicking View Details, you can view, in the History tab, the opening data of the alert and also information regarding the treatment performed or the reason why the alert was ignored.
In PrintWayy, alerts created by devices are automatically terminated by the device itself, when it signals that the problem no longer occurs.
Alerts closed
The closed alerts page displays all alerts that have already been closed in the system.
By double-clicking on a record or selecting it and clicking View Details, you can view the opening data of the alert and also information regarding the treatment performed.
Inserting comments in alerts
All alerts have an area for comments. These comments are intended to complement the alert description or inform users of the actions that have been taken to resolve the situation described in the alert.
To add a new comment, click in the field and write the comment. Then click the Save button.